If you are familiar with WordPress, login to your site and search/install the Search & Filter plugin from the plugins page (once we’re out of beta).
For more details, you can read our step by step installation instructions.
The basics
There are two main concepts that drive this plugin:
- Queries
- Fields
Queries are the backbone of your site. They are used for generating lists of items and they can be found in many different places; you’ll no doubt have come across them already. Some examples are:
- Search results
- Blog listings
- Post lists and grids
- Product lists and grids
- Galleries
- Tag and Category archives
- Custom Post Type archives
- And there are many more…
The query section of this plugin can be used to modify and create different queries on your site, changing options such as post types, order of results, posts per page as well as other settings.
Fields are form fields your visitors will see on your site, such as a search box, dropdown or submit button.
With Search & Filter, you can create fields and add them to your site – visitors will be able use them to refine a query to help them easily find what they are looking for.
Checkout the guides section for in depth walkthroughs for various uses cases and integrations.