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Search & Filter integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce

Start building more powerful search pages with your favorite page builder.

Start using Search & Filter Pro with WooCommerce today

Search & Filter comes with an extensive WooCommerce integration built in. Add advanced filtering to your products listings to bring your online shop to life.

We’ve written detailed instructions on how to use Search & Filter with WooCommerce. Visit the WooCommerce docs to learn more.

Integration Features

Integrates with WooCommerce, letting you build powerful search and filter experience for your shop

Integrates with the WooCommerce shop page, the collections block as well as products shortcodes

Create filters for your WooCommerce data, including attributes, tags, categories, stock status and on sale status.

Bring instant search and live-filtering to your WooCommerce-powered sites

Detailed documentation to help you get up and running quickly