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Fields allow your visitors to interact with queries on your site, enabling them to drill down to find the information they are looking for.

This means they spend less time looking for the information they need.

Field types

There are 5 different types of fields: Search, Choice, Range (pro), Advanced and Control.

Search fields allow for text input – users can type what they are looking for and the results will be refined based on the search terms.

Choice fields allow users to select from multiple options to find what they are looking for.

Range fields allow users to select between a numerical range

Advanced fields usually don’t fall into the categories above, and include things like date pickers and map search.

Control fields usually interact with the query in different ways, such as submitting a search, resetting the fields, or changing the page of results.

Learn more about the different field types.

Adding fields to your site

Reusable fields

Reusable fields can be created via our admin pages and re-used throughout your site.

They’re great for all kinds of sites as they work with any theme/plugin combination, and can be added to your site via shortcodes or blocks.

You can create reusable fields via our admin field editor.

Checkout the guide on creating reusable fields.

Block editor fields

Block editor fields allow you to create your fields directly in the block editor and they have the same options as our reusable fields.

The only difference with these are that blocks only live on the post/page where they are created.

There are 5 blocks to match our field types:

  • Search
  • Choice
  • Range (pro)
  • Advanced
  • Control