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Field Types

There are 5 different types of fields: Search, Choice, Range, Advanced and Control.

Search Fields

Search fields allow for free text input to search for posts matching the search term.

Input types include:

  • Text – a simple text input that most users will be familiar with.
  • Autocomplete (Pro) – start typing to display list of suggestions based on the field data type.

Choice Fields

Choice fields allow for a single selection or multiple selection from a set of options.

Input types include:

  • Select (and combobox) – a drop-down displaying possible options, allows for multiple and single selection.
  • Checkbox – select one or more options using checkboxes.
  • Radio – a radio group where only single selection is possible.
  • Button – a button group allowing for single or multiple selection.

Coming soon:

  • Star rating – allow filtering for ratings with a more user friendly UI
  • Color picker – show options as a color palette.

Range Fields

Range fields are only available in Pro.

Range fields allow users to select a single numerical value within a specified range, or select two values to define a range to filter.

  • Select – use drop-downs to select a value.
  • Radio – select a single value with a radio group.
  • Slider – use a range slider to set values.

Advanced Fields

Advanced fields have more complex functionality than the other field types.

Current there is one input type:

  • Date picker – select a single date or date range.

Coming soon:

  • Maps (Pro) – show your results on maps!

Control Fields

Control fields interact with the query in different ways, such as submitting a search, resetting the fields, or changing the page of results. They include:

  • Submit
  • Reset
  • Current selection (Pro)
  • Sort order (coming soon)