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Creating reusable fields

Reusable fields are the most versatile way of creating a field.

Once created, then can be reused anywhere in your site and they automatically support all WordPress installations out the box as they can be added via shortcodes or blocks.

Reusable fields can be created via our admin dashboard.

Launch the Field editor

Navigate to the Fields screen

The Fields screen can be located from the Search & Filter dashboard

Select the “Add New” button to open the field editor.

Selecting “Add New” brings up the Field Editor

Creating a reusable field

Once you’ve opened the field editor, the general steps to create a field are:

  1. Enter a name
  2. Choose your field type – find out more about field types.
  3. Configure the field options using the inspector panel (the right sidebar)
  4. Save the field

Adding a field to your site

Using a shortcode

A shortcode is provided at the bottom of the field editor once you’ve saved your field – which can be used throughout your site to position the field.

Via the block editor

To add reusable fields via the block editor, you can use the Reusable Field block:

Once added, you can find the field in the inspector by searching by the reusable field name:


To add a field via PHP, we can use the WordPress function do_shortcode() and use the shortcode provided in the Field Editor screen:


echo do_shortcode( '[searchandfilter field="New Field"]' );
